Advent time is here, which means it’s time for Christmas decoration! Woho! Here is a student friendly, super mega easy decoration – dried slices of orange.
What you need
- Oranges
- Oven
- Oven rack
- Thread/string
How to
Put the oven on 75C.
Slice a bunch of oranges (0.5 cm is good) and put them on an oven rack.
Chuck the rack into the oven and let the oranges dry until they look dry (duh) and has darkened a bit. The drying process might take up to 5 hours, but check on the slices before that, so that they don’t burn.
Use thread to make a garland or to make pretty ornaments to hang separately in the tree. If you’ve made to many, try adding them to gifts, looks super-neat!
PS. If you feel like this is a bit too much work, don’t fret, there’s an even easier way!
Take your orange. Peel it and try to keep the peel as whole as possible.
Grab a cookie cutter and cut the peel to get cute stars or whatever shape your cutter has.
Make a hole in the cut-out peel.
Put the peel stars on a string – voilà, a garland.
All natural, pretty cheap and super easy – exactly how we like it. Soon, there will be some wintery recipes on the blog too, keep your eyes peeled for that!